Receive the help and support you really need!


"Wellness Living Center"
The BEST place to hope, heal, grow, find peace.

The wellness living center's programs are amazing!. They are Transformative, inspirational and motivational. They brought my dreams into reality in hindsight.

I am so grateful I made that decision. The greatest Investment ever.
The center helped open my eyes to many options of ways to heal myself naturally. This was the most important learning experience of my life.

Janet Kennedy, Ottawa
I'm an entrepreneur by nature. Started many businesses. Now travelling. My teacher/coach provided me with the guidance i needed to to change my spiritual life, business and my mindset. and the opportunities that the world is business. The teas are amazing. The wellness center is rich with information, wisdom and great insight. It helped me a lot. Thank you for making my life peaceful.
Eric J. Johnson Toronto, Canada
Our learning experience was an amazing. It has opened our eyes and now we feel like we can do anything if we master are thoughts and emotions.

The sessions has prepared us for what to come in life. No negativity can stop us.
We are now our own master. We are accomplishing a lot, reaching new heights, new depts and new dimensions each day.
Sam and Becky, London, Ontario
I wish I knew everything I learned from the center 5 years ago because I wouldn't suffer so much. When I finally had the courage to call the center, I didn't know how I was going to feel after wards.

I'm a very curious person and timid. But after my first session my confidence grew immensely. Any fear, doubt I had! gone. I know who I am and my life purpose.
Marcello Santos, Kingston


Our objective is to raise a total of $5 million in funding with the specific purpose of acquiring a downtown building that will serve as a dedicated space to cater to the needs of our community.

To contribute towards our objective, you can support us by sending an e-transfer or contacting us directly. Your generous donation will help us reach our goal of acquiring the downtown building.


Have your mind, body, life, business running in the best state by contacting our wellness living center or by clicking on the yes show me how button....

Maybe, you are curious, doubting and probably busy too. We completely understand!

But also deep within, you know you're ready to make a change! You're ready to get the results you, your career or business needs.

The wellness center is created to be affordable and balanced so anyone can have access our services. We have free, and outreach programs available to the community....

Only you can end your pain and suffering. Only you can make your life or business a success...

Let's take things a little deeper; Understanding thoughts, emotions and energies.

  •  The Step by Step Worksheet – Releasing old energies in no time! You’ll have a complete guide from the first step to heal past and fresh wounds, remove mental and emotional blockages, remove negative energies and trauma. You’ll learn how to let go of bad memories, and things that are negatively affecting your life. Learn to boost your immune system, and heal areas of your life.
  • Replacing the negative with the positive – Your body has ways to heal itself, your body is fully capable of doing things that are so ancient even the mind cannot comprehend and probably will never understand. Therefore, you have all the opportunities needed to awaken wisdom, abilities, develop skills, discover capabilities, gifts, and talents and more ever known to man. This lesson will cover the different types of portals to use to keep the body light and healthy, being present, and keep your business at its top performance.
  • Have you ever tried to awaken your potential or be productive by taking a substance?– Have you ever taken drugs, drunk alcohol, smoking or work trying to ease pain? I’m going to show you how to ease your pain naturally so you can have the clarity and focus you need to transform your life and scale your business. You need to be strong, fully alert in order to manifest the life you want and build a business that changes lives. Bad habits kill dreams and destroy goals.
  •  No more bad or desperate moves, no more fake it until you make it. – Have you lied to yourself or someone about who you are, what you do or business does? Have you ever cheated in business or in life? Being trustworthy, truthful, honest and loyal open doors to opportunities, realms, people that are not accessible to most men and women. No one can take what the universe has in store for you or business, especially when you follow laws of success properly and with all your heart and being. Most people, businesses are not where they need to be because of bad, corrupt leadership.

  • Cleanup your life, perfect your business – Become the best you, create the best environment for you, the business. Create the best products and services for your clients. Make your life, your employees’ life easier and simpler. Have the right sales system. Understand and know your niche, Market yourself and business to the world.

Now let's go to the Source, let’s go beyond weaknesses, situations, mind, body, names, labels, possessions, titles, dreams, forms! Are you ready? have you ever been told smart enough? Good enough? Do you ever feel like you have more inner potentials and abilities? You are correct. How do you type into your field of infinite Powers>

  • Presence – Techniques that free and clear the mind and body, and get your business to the next level – Prepare your brain and body, and services/products in the most sane conscious state and realize how my course, and my state of awareness can help you realize the ultimate results (enlightenment).

  • Oneness – We’ll go through all phases, signs and benefits of being in Oneness with yourself, everyone, nature and your business before you can get to the next level being the Master we were born to be and alway were. For this lesson you will need to give me your attention to make sure to grasp it all.

  •  The 11 Inches Mastery– Say goodbye to the old you, old things and all your fear. Many people are a few inches from success, a few inches away from discovering the secret of life but there are beliefs, habits, old energies, dark entities, events that happened in their lives, future events holding them back. I say 11 inches but you might even be closer to your target.
  • Enlightenment 1, 2, 3 – Every man’s greatest dream is to one day realize enlightenment. Make yourself, life, business experience eternally rich, easeful, blissful and fulfilled by realizing that not one moment passes by that you The Master is Never Not Here, And that The Master Is Always Awakened; even if The Master is not aware of it yet.

Is the Wellness Living Center perfect for me you may ask?


The center’s programs are right for the person who is motivated, determined, and eager to transform his/her life or business. The person looking to do whatever it takes to see real results and live a better balance life, and in peace. The center excellent for the person who is looking to FINALLY discover the path to total freedom.

It does NOT matter where you are from or live, skin color, how much education you have, gender, or how much life or business experience or how much money you acquire in your life.

All you truly need is the willingness or drive to change your life and scale your business. No more living a life of struggles, a life of pain and suffering, begin creating the greater life experience you deserve.

No goal is too high, no dream is too big, and no situation is too complicated. Within you, you have what it takes to make the necessary changes in your life or transform your business.

Anyone can change and grow. You just haven’t been exposed to and taught the profund steps, techniques that turn one into a more happy, calm, positive, rich and creative person!!

There is a valid reason or reasons you decided to check this site out, and not be doing something else.

If you find your mind can’t stop overthinking, if you find life, business challenging, feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, – the center’s programs are perfect for you.

You can live life to its fullest. You can create and manifest anything your heart desires. There is no limit on how much you can achieve both in life and business.

You'll Receive one on one guidance. Access To Community Group Support. Full Access To The Center's selected services and products. You will have access to different variety of like minded people to connect with. And More When You Join The Wellness Living Center!

Transform your well-being Now. Claim your healing and personal freedom today: At the wellness center, you'll discover the exact techniques to use to heal your mind, body, soul. You will be exposed to deep wisdom, grow your business and sounds knowledge, and a loving caring environment.

Private invitation To Access The Support Group via Facebook

After you join the center, a private invitation to our healing, growth Facebook Community. The group is perfect for when you ask questions and an environment to share what’s on your mind, struggles, what you are experiencing as a person.

How bad do you want to transform your life and your community? How bad do you want your well-being, career or business to excel? Do remember the reasons why you are on this page?

The wellness living center creates confidence and boost results.
The wellness center is ideal for individuals, employees, entrepreneurs and professionals of all field.

The wellness services, teas and products vary in price.
(Join us within 24hrs, receive samples of teas and access to or MULTITUDE OF SERVICES FOR LIFETIME). But( Here is a better offer. Join Us Get Jobs Offers, Business Opportunities, Investment Opportunities and Volunteer Opportunities.
We are hiring, looking for volunteers and we are offering business, and investment opportunities
This offer is for a limited-time only! Get it now before it ends.

About The Wellness Living Center

Wellness Living Center Mission Statement

The Wellness Living Center is to enhance the wellness of every living being and the community.

The Community Well Living Center Canada is an organization dedicated to enhancing the well-being of individuals in the Ontario, Canada community. Our mission is to bring hope to the less fortunate and those in need of healing from past trauma and abuse, empowering them to rebuild and improve their lives.

We provide a range of services to support personal development and mental health. Our offerings include in-person one-on-one consultation services and group sessions. Additionally, we host weekly events such as workshops and seminars, which offer valuable insights and knowledge to our members.

Recognizing the diverse needs of our community, we also run outreach programs that provide cooked food and drinks to those in need. Furthermore, we offer weekly sessions on various topics, including self-empowerment and personal growth. In times of short-term or emergency situations, we provide a peaceful space for individuals to stay, rest, and work.

At the Community Well Living Center Canada, we strive to create an environment where individuals can find support, inspiration, and resources to improve their overall well-being.

Our primary mandate at the Community Well Living Center Canada is to provide a nurturing and inclusive space where individuals in the Ontario community can enhance their well-being, and rebuild their lives.


We are running this campaign to help raise funds for our current wellness center and to help build other wellness centers. The amount we are looking to raise is fifty thousands dollars to help operating and maintaining current wellness center. And other five millions to buy the current building and renovate. This plan will us us build other wellness centers for wellbeing of our communities.

Your help and support to our wellness center.

We thank you in advance for your generous contributions and support. With your help we can keep doing this great humanitarian work. Donate whatever your heart desires. 

How the money is going to be used.

  • Create new programs and activities for our members.
  • Continue Our OutReach Programs
  • Support mental health and well-being of our members in every aspect 
  • Help pay for the current healing Center’s rent, utilities, hydro and internet etc
  • Offer short term housing solutions 
  • Build a large wellness/healing/community center
  • Build the library
  • Build new site and apps, and maintaining site
  • Build a physical shops with healthy products
  • Renovations and Furnishing
  • Create green spaces   
  • Build a new kitchen and renovate the bathrooms
  • Build a storage space to manage donations
  • Provide healthy foods, detox teas and juices 
  • Buy furnishing materials for the centers
  • Buy a piece of land for natural food growing
  • Pay key employees, healers and teachers
  • Marketing The center 
  • Buy the current rental property for short and long-term stays.  
  • Donate Today:

Check out our spiritual, community and cultural events and pictures. Our greatest dream; to see every person living a free life. A life free from mental health issues and free from all psychological, emotional pain and suffering.

"You shall RISE above all circumstances, BREAK FREE from all psychological pain and suffering, then GROW, and EXPAND beyond your wildest dreams.